
(Blog) Anti-Vaccination Movement Threatens to Turn Texas Into a Developing Country

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“Extreme poverty, the number of people who live on less than $2 a day, and deaths from these diseases, has now been on the decline for the past 20 years as health and economic programs, such as President Bush’s Emergency Plan For AIDS Relief (PEPFAR), have improved millions of people’s lives all around the globe.  However, in the United States, almost 1.5 million American families continue to live at this level of poverty.  Many of the poorest Americans reside in Texas and other parts of the Gulf Coast region.   As a result of their poverty and the climate in which they live, they are also among the most disease-prone Americans.  Today we must answer a question similar to what President Bush was asked, but about our own residents.  Do we love our neighbors?  Are we as concerned about the presence of these diseases among our poorest brothers and sisters, here in the United States?”

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