
August 26-30, 2010: NBC News/Wall Street Journal Poll—Nationwide poll solicits the public۪s views on whether a candidate۪s support for privatizing Social Security would make the candidate more or less appealing.

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“(Now I’m going to read you some things that you might learn about a candidate running for Congress. For each one, please tell me whether (A) you are enthusiastic about the candidate having this attribute, (B) you are comfortable with it, (C) you have some reservations about it, (D) you are very uncomfortable with it, or (E) it makes no difference to you.)…Supports phasing out Social Security and instead supports allowing workers to invest their Social Security contributions in the stock market”


9%       (A) Enthusiastic about this attribute


12%      (B) Comfortable with this attribute


19%      (C) Have some reservations about this attribute


49%      (D) Very uncomfortable with this attribute


8%       (E) Makes no                  difference


3%       Not sure


Subpopulation/Note: .


Survey by NBC News, Wall Street Journal. Methodology: Conducted by Hart and McInturff Research Companies, August 26 – August 30, 2010 and based on 1,000 telephone interviews. Sample: national adult. The sample included 200 respondents who use a cell phone only. [USNBCWSJ.10AUG26.R20I]


Formal Citation

NBC News/Wall Street Journal Poll, Aug, 2010. Retrieved Nov-9-2010 from the iPOLL Databank, The Roper Center for Public Opinion Research, University of Connecticut.

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