August 16-22, 2010: Kaiser Health Tracking Poll—Nationwide poll solicits the public۪s views on specific elements of the 2010 health reform law.
“(Now I’m going to read a short list of elements of the (2010) health reform law that are scheduled to be implemented further in the future. As I read each one, please tell me whether your opinion of it is very favorable, somewhat favorable, somewhat unfavorable, or very unfavorable.)…Expanding the existing Medicaid program to cover low-income, uninsured adults regardless of whether they have children…Would you say your opinion of that element is very favorable, somewhat favorable, somewhat unfavorable or very unfavorable?”
40% Very favorable
31% Somewhat favorable
14% Somewhat unfavorable
12% Very unfavorable
3% Don۪t know/Refused
Subpopulation/Note: .
Survey by Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation. Methodology: Interviewing conducted by Princeton Survey Research Associates International, August 16 – August 22, 2010 and based on 1,203 telephone interviews. Sample: national adult. 801 respondents were interviewed by landline telephone, and 402 were interviewed by cell phone, including 158 who had no landline telephone. [USPSRA.10HTPAUG.R16B]
Formal Citation
Kaiser Health Tracking Poll, Aug, 2010. Retrieved Sep-2-2010 from the iPOLL Databank, The Roper Center for Public Opinion Research, University of Connecticut.