
April 5-11, 2012: University of Phoenix/National Journal Next America Poll—Nationwide poll on Americans۪ perceptions of the causes of the racial income gap and achievement gap.

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(As you may know, the average income for Hispanic familiesis only about two-thirds as high as it is for white families. Please tell me ifyou think each of the following is a major reason, a minor reason, or not areason Hispanic incomes are so much lower.) What about…poverty, crime, andpoor schools in neighborhoods where many Hispanics live make it hard for peopleto get ahead?

54%    Major reasonChart 4.png

26%    Minor reason

15%    Not a reason

5%      Don۪t know/Refused

Surveyby University of Phoenix, National Journal. Methodology: Conducted by PrincetonSurvey Research Associates International, April 5 – April 11, 2012 and based on1,308 telephone interviews. Sample: National adult. The sample included callback interviews with African-Americans and Hispanics who participated inprevious PSRAI surveys. 652 respondents were interviewed on a landlinetelephone, and 656 were interviewed on a cell phone, including 302 who had nolandline telephone. [USPSRA.041812UPNJ.R12E]

(As you mayknow, a much smaller percentage of African-American and Hispanic young peoplegraduate from high school and obtain college degrees, compared to whites andAsians. Please tell me if you think each of the following is a major reason, aminor reason, or not a reason that African-American and Hispanic young peopledon’t do as well in school.) What about…poverty and crime in their neighborhoodsmake it hard for them to learn?

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