April 30-May 3, 2012: Resurgent Republic Poll—Nationwide poll on Americans۪ perceptions of why a record number of people get government benefits.
Which ofthe following comes closer to your view about the record number of peoplegetting government benefits like unemployment compensation, disabilitybenefits, and food stamps?…A record number of people are getting governmentbenefits today because the recession has been so severe that people who wouldnever think about taking government assistance have been forced to do so toprovide for their families. A record number of people are getting governmentbenefits today because too many people are taking advantage of the system andliving off the taxpayers when they could be doing more to help themselves.
50% Result of the recession
42% Result of taking advantage
7% Don۪t know
Surveyby Resurgent Republic. Methodology: Conducted by North Star Opinion Research,April 30 – May 3, 2012 and based on 1,000 telephone interviews. Sample:National registered voters. Interviews were conducted by landline and cellphones. [USAYRES.12RESREPMAY.R09]
Formal Citation
Resurgent Republic Survey, Apr, 2012. Retrieved May-29-2012 from the iPOLL Databank, The Roper Center for Public Opinion Research, University of Connecticut. http://www.ropercenter.uconn.edu/data_access/ipoll/ipoll.html