April 30-May 3, 2012: Resurgent Republic Poll—Nationwide poll on Americans۪ perceptions of income inequality and economic opportunity.
Which ofthe following statements about the role of government comes closer to yourview?…Government policies should promote fairness by narrowing the gapbetween rich and poor, making the rich pay their fair share, and reducingincome inequality. Government policies should promote opportunity by fosteringjob growth, encouraging entrepreneurs, and allowing hardworking people to keepmore of what they earn.
39% Promote fairness
57% Promote opportunity
5% Don۪t know
Surveyby Resurgent Republic. Methodology: Conducted by North Star Opinion Research, April30 – May 3, 2012 and based on 1,000 telephone interviews. Sample: Nationalregistered voters. Interviews were conducted by landline and cell phones.[USAYRES.12RESREPMAY.R07]
Formal Citation
Resurgent Republic Survey, Apr, 2012. Retrieved May-29-2012 from the iPOLL Databank, The Roper Center for Public Opinion Research, University of Connecticut. http://www.ropercenter.uconn.edu/data_access/ipoll/ipoll.html