
April 15-20, 2011: CBS News/New York Times Poll—Nationwide poll solicits the public۪s views on whether providing health care coverage for the poor is the responsibility of the federal government.

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“Do you think providing health care coverage for the poor is the responsibility of the federal government, or is this not the responsibility of the federal government?”

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56%      Government responsibility


38%      Not government responsibility


6%       Don۪t know/No answer

Methodology: Conducted by CBS News/New York Times, April 15 – April 20, 2011 and based on 1,224 telephone interviews. Sample: national adult including an oversample of republicans. The interviews were conducted by land-line and cell phones. There were a total of 543 Republicans interviewed. Results were weighted to be representative of a national adult population. [USCBSNYT.042111.R41]


Formal Citation

CBS News/New York Times Poll, Apr, 2011. Retrieved Apr-27-2011 from the iPOLL Databank, The Roper Center for Public Opinion Research, University of Connecticut.

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