
January 2-6, 2016: AllState/National Journal Heartland Monitor Poll on the Middle Class and the American Dream

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Question: Compared to your parents when they were your age, would you say you have…?

Opportunity Compared With Parents (Trend Data Among Total Sample) 07/09 05/11 09/12 09/13 05/15 01/16
More opportunities to get ahead 54% 44% 48% 45% 41% 44%
Fewer opportunities to get ahead 18% 29% 23% 27% 29% 29%
About the same amount of opportunity 26% 24% 28% 26% 26% 25%
Don’t know/ refused 2% 3% 1% 2% 3% 2%


Question: Thinking ahead to when today’s children are your age, do you think they will have…?

Children’s Opportunity In The Future (Trend Data Among Total Sample) 07/09 12/10 05/11 09/12 09/13 01/16
More opportunities to get ahead 31% 25% 33% 32% 20% 32%
Fewer opportunities to get ahead 36% 39% 35% 32% 45% 33%
About the same amount of opportunity 29% 30% 26% 31% 30% 28%
Don’t know/ refused 5% 6% 6% 5% 5% 6%


Question: Now, I’m going to read you two statements. After each one, please tell me if you agree or disagree.

In the United States today, children from all races growing up today have adequate opportunities to be successful.

Adequate Opportunities For All Races
(Trend Data Among Total Sample)
07/09 01/16
Agree 65% 51%
Disagree 33% 47%
Don’t know/ refused 2% 2%

In the United States, children from all income groups growing up today have adequate opportunities to be successful.

Adequate Opportunities For All Income Groups (Trend Data Among Total Sample) 07/09 01/16
Agree 48% 40%
Disagree 50% 59%
Don’t know/ refused 2% 1%


Question: In general, in the last ten years, do you believe that the United States is doing better, worse or about the same at providing equal opportunity for people of …?

U.S. On Providing Equal Opportunity For All Races (Trend Data Among Total Sample) 05/11 01/16
Doing better 48% 33%
Doing worse 17% 29%
About the same 33% 36%
Don’t know/ refused 2% 3%


U.S. On Providing Equal Opportunity For All Income Groups 01/16
Doing better 21%
Doing worse 40%
About the same 36%
Don’t know/ refused 2%


U.S. On Providing Equal Opportunity For All Generations 01/16
Doing better 27%
Doing worse 33%
About the same 36%
Don’t know/ refused 4%


Via Heartland Monitor Poll

Universe: Country: United States

Method: Telephone: Landline and Cellphone

Sample Size: 1,000

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