Exclusive Commentary Guidelines

Thank you for your interest in submitting for consideration an Exclusive Commentary to Spotlight on Poverty and Opportunity.

Please review the following guidelines before drafting and submitting your piece:

•    All commentaries must be sent exclusively to Spotlight.  We will not consider pieces that have already been published in print or online.

•    Pieces run at about op-ed length (no more than 800 words).

•    Authors can write about topics of their choosing as long as American poverty and opportunity is the central focus of the commentary.

•    Our pieces are structured as op-eds that make arguments for specific views, including about polices, programs, and best practices that affect the lives of low-income individuals.

•    Review other commentaries here for examples of what Spotlight posts to this section.

We regret that we cannot respond to all email inquiries.

Submissions and inquiries should be emailed to: commentary@spotlightonpoverty.org. Please include your name, email, phone number, and address in the body of your email, and write “SPOTLIGHT: Commentary Submission” in the subject line.